Sunday 8-22-2010West is ready for Bible class and church.
After church we stopped at Pirtle and took a picture of Jones by the school sign.
The kids and I went to Kevin and Jamie's pool in the afternoon. I helped Jones practice swimming without her floats. She finally figured out how to swim under water and did a great job going from one side of the pool to the other underwater and coming up for breaths. Jones and Annie jumped off the diving board. Annie really liked it. As soon as she would come up out of the water she would yell "again" to Kevin, or as Annie calls him, Mr. Heaven. I think she wore him out! Georgia enjoyed floating around and practicing her kicks and scoops. Jamie cuddled West.
MondayWe were all up early and ready to go to kindergarten. Jones thought our picture by the school sign on Sunday was sufficient and didn't want her picture taken again. I couldn't help myself. Justin took her to school and walked her in to her classroom. She put her bag in the cubby and took a seat out in the hall and read a book until the bell rang. She ate lunch in the cafeteria. She chose the chicken burger and she was excited that they had strawberry milk to drink. I picked her up from school and tried out the drive though pick up line. Thirty five minutes after the bell had rung I had my Jonesy back. We went to Sonic and had an ice cream and talked about her day. She was in a good mood the whole rest of the day and Chatty! She talked to all the grandparents and Aunt Sheila.
While Jones was at school, we went to Gym X, Justin mowed the lawn, we had lunch and rest time. AND, Annie is wearing panties! A few accidents, but overall she is doing fantastic.
TuesdayToday is Georgia's first day of preschool. Jones and Georgia were up when their alarm went off and they dressed head to toe before coming out of their room. We ate breakfast together and had our devotional Bible reading. Picture time was more cooperative this morning. Kirsten came over to stay with Annie and West while I took Jones and Georgia. I came home and got Annie and West and headed to Gym X and then to Target. Annie stays dry! I took Annie and West to Kirsten's house for school pick ups. I get Georgia and she had a good first day. Mary Ann tells me that Georgia didn't want to share the big box of goldfish that she brought to school to share with the class for the year. :) Georgia and I go sit at Sonic and have ice cream and talk about her day. She never mentions the goldfish incident. Georgia had a great day and she was in a good mood after her first day too. To pick Jones up, we park across the field and walk to get Jones from the gym. This was faster, but walking across the field in over 100 degree weather was hot! Jones had a good second day.
Wednesday and ThursdayThe mornings were good and went smoothly. Jones and Georgia had good days. We went to church on Wednesday night and I was prepared for a rough Thursday morning since they were up later, but everyone got up on time and they were not grumpy. :) Annie had only one accident each day.
FridayThe tiredness was here today. Jonesys' alarm went off for awhile this morning. She yelled at Georgia when Georgia turned on the light to get dressed. Jones called me into her room and asked me to hand her her clothes. She got dressed in bed. By the time she came to the table she was in a better mood. We were still early to school by 10 minutes. Good job, Brown girls!
I received a phone call at 10:51 from the school nurse. Jones went to the nurse complaining of her head hurting and that she was tired. The nurse called me after she had sent Jones to music. Jones did not have a fever and the nurse let Jones lay there for a little bit knowing that all the kindergarteners are tired by today. I think it's allergies. We all have had stuffy noses the past few days. Even West.
Since Georgia had a good Tuesday and Thursday and she was able to get a treasure out of the treasure box on Thursday when I picked her up from preschool. Good job Georgia!
No accidents for Annie!
After school we went to the splash pad with friends and Justin was home in time for dinner. It was a fun way to finish off the first school week!