Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pray for me

Lord, help me be a person who speaks words that build up and not tear down. Help me to speak life into the situations and people around me, and not death. Fill my heart afresh each day with Your Holy Spirit, so that Your love and goodness overflow from my heart and my mouth. Help me to speak only about things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. Keep my mouth from speaking any evil or anything that is not true. May every word I speak reflect Your purity and love.

Fill my heart with love, peace and joy so that it will flow from my mouth. Convict me when I complain or speak negatively. Help me not to speak too quickly or too much. Help me not to speak words that miscommunicate. I pray You would give me the words to say every time I speak. Show me when to speak and when not to.

Help me to be a woman who speaks wisely, graciously and clearly, never foolishly, rudely or insensitively. Give me words that speak of the hope that is within me so I can explain my faith in a persuasive and compelling way. May the words I speak bring others in to a fuller knowledge of You.

from The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian

It's been a long Sunday with the girls and I need a shower of all the fruits of the Spirit. I thought Stormie's prayer summed it up for me today. May this prayer bring you comfort, hope and renewing too.

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