Jones spread her birthday celebration out for a week. She took cupcakes to school the Thursday before her birthday, Sunday she opened her family presents and picked a restaurant to eat lunch, the Thursday after her birthday she was treated to a surprise party. Gran-nola and Mimi came to town, Jamie H., and her friends from church and preschool met us at Burger King for the surprise. I think she was excited about having a surprise, but didn't really know what all was involved. As I was pulling into the BK parking lot, I had made the excuse that I needed to go to the bathroom and maybe we could play for a bit. That night it was really bothering her that I lied. Bad Mom feeling moment. Justin and I both tried to explain this one to her. Also, she didn't like that everyone yelled "Surprise, Happy Birthday Jones". She didn't understand and didn't like that they yelled. Ugh. But in the end she did have a lot of fun.
Happy birthday to our princess of style.

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