Monday, June 28, 2010

Anniversary #7

Today is our seventh wedding anniversary.  Amen.
To commemorate the occasion the song of the week is Josh Grider's "Crazy Like You", one of the best marriage advice songs I've ever heard.

Well people sing songs all the time
About fallin' in love and losing their minds
But it ain't love that drive folks mad
It's livin' this life day in, day out
Tryin' to figure what it's all about
The who's, the when's, the where's, the why's, and the maybe's

I say everybody's crazy so what you need to do
You need to find somebody crazy like you
Someone you can fuss and fight with
And when you make up, then you can love all night with
Someone who shares your particular point of view
Oh they bound to be crazy, just make sure they're crazy like you

I looked high, I looked low, looked far, looked wide
Before I looked in a mirror and I realized
I spend my time lookin' for the wrong thing
Perfectly sane would be so mundane
A man like me, I'm subject to change
And I'm lookin' for someone who's track's'll fit my train

I found me a girl and she's five foot four
And I never found a girl that I love more
We are in tune and out of touch with all the same things
And she's as wild and mean as a deep blue sea
And pure and sweet as honey from a bee
And I love her to death, 'cause that girl's crazy just like me.

1 comment:

LisaN said...

Congratulations, you two!!

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