Friday, September 2, 2011

What's Influencing Me?

I guess it's because of the beginning of a new school year, but I've been thinking a lot lately about who is influencing my kids.   Thinking about that has led me to think about who's influencing me.  It's healthy to take stock once in a while, examine what kind of stuff you are putting into your life.
"...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Gal 6

Andy Stanley- Pastor of North Point Church in Atlanta, son of Charles Stanley of "In Touch" and First Atlanta Baptist fame.  I've been subscribing to the podcast of his sermons.  Not a lot of fluff like a Joel Osteen (no offense to you Osteen fans), but lots of meat and practical spiritual lessons.

Garrison Keillor-  Another podcast subscription.  Up to a year of his "News from Lake Wobegon" monologs from the "A Prairie Home Companion" radio show are available.  Just made up stories about his made up home town, but I like them.

I read Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's second book, "A Love That Multiplies", a couple of months ago and I'm  still thinking on it most everyday.  Whether you have one child or nineteen, both of their books are full of practical marriage, parenting, financial, and spiritual influence.

For the last several months I've mostly been reading Elmer Kelton, Louis L'Amour, and Zane Gray.  Novels about the last half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th.  Sometimes I think I would have fit in better back then.

Dave Ramsey-  It's been a year and a half since Leslie and I graduated from Financial Peace University, but we are still being influenced by what we learned.  Living on a budget, faithful giving, and having cash money set aside for car repairs, doctor visits, and new shoes really does bring financial peace.

Break the Chain-  When I visit Albuquerque I'll know where and what to eat, but will I have enough time and money to try them all?

What's influencing you???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just smiled as I read this post. My family used to listen to Garrison Keeler's Lake Wobegone stories on road trips when I was a kid! You know that Louis L'Amor wrote about the Llano Estacado (in Lubbock, TX); when I was a kid, my dad had a cowboy band that went on a tour in Germany, where L'Amors novels are huge, and the people there treated them as if they were celebrities since they were from the legendary Llano Estacado! They're still played on the radio in Germany today and their agent in Germany wants Lone Prairie to go over there for a tour too. Maybe some day we can make that happen. :) I've often thought of you as a "cowboy" type person, don't take that the wrong way, I just mean that you are always what you seem, are always honest, and have always been a hard-working and grounded man. I think you would have fit in quite well in the 19th century. I enjoy the Break the Chain too; it's funny because I'm one of the most picky eaters ever, but I like hearing about what's out there and maybe I'll get the courage to venture out and try something new next time I get out to Albuquerque. I like reading about all your thought processes; it always gets me thinking.

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