There are soccer fields next to the park, so they ran. Jones can do the monkey bars by herself.

Whistle while you work.......On Monday, my wonderful husband and two oldest scrubbed the kitchen floor during "rest" time!

Then we went to the lake!
Here's Georgia:

Here's Jones:

And Annie:

And two more:

On Tuesday, the girls and I went to a "vbs" at Wayman Manor, low income apartment housing, and had a good time spreading love. Jones and Georgia were not happy about wearing light blue shirts, but were over it pretty fast after our little talk in front of the building. :) Here are some of the activites: story time, craft, game and snack. Annie stayed with me in the snack area, she was content :).

Thursday morning, Annie had her 15 month well check and shots. She weighs 19lbs(10%) and is 29 1/2 inches(25%).
Thursday afternoon. Jones cut her hair!
Jones and Georgia were supposed to be watching a movie during rest time today. I came through the kitchen and found hair on the floor near the table. Willie and Ranger had been in the garage the night before during the storm, so my first thought was that it was Willie's and I had missed it this morning. But, as I reach down to pick it up I know it is Jonesey's hair. She first told me it was Willie's, then she told me she pulled it out, then she confessed to cutting it with the kitchen scissors in the utensil carousel. The scissors have been removed.
It's not bad. I don't have any embarrassing pics to show you. She just cut a little where bangs would be, but it's not drastic.
For tonight's meal we had corn, zucchini, squash and cucumbers from our garden. Yumm

And we thank the Lord for the beautiful picturesque clouds.

Good night.
Y'all have had a busy week! I love seeing all the pictures of your girls since we never get to see them in person! :)
Summer fun!!!
I don't think I mentioned how much I love that photo of the girls holding hands and headed for the water. So precious!! Frame worthy :-)
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