MHR is celebrating their one year on the blog anniversary. They had a topic M-F this week along with prizes. I picked out three that touched me this week.
~ My Husband Rocks! ~ Birthday Bash: Let's Talk Commitment
A big thanks to Justin for loving me when I am not lovely or deserving at that moment, day, or week(surely it's not longer than that, but if so, I am asking for forgiveness now). Thanks for being my hero at the end of the day and my sunshine in the morning. I am honored to belong to you these past almost 6 years.
~ My Husband Rocks! ~ Birthday Bash: A Husband's Covering
Justin's covering for me is safety and protection. He keeps me safe and is head of our household. He protects me physically, spiritually and intellectually(most of the time he enlightens me :)), and emotionally(..you see, usually when you get three women together....).
~ My Husband Rocks! ~ Birthday Bash: The Battle We Face
In the last three days I have been hit with three different scenarios that all tie into this post about marriage, my unending love for Justin and why he rocks.
Wednesday night: Beth Moore's Esther video
It made me think about the need to continue pursuing our relationship with the "what aspect" and not the "how aspect" of our love. The main point that hit me this week study was Esther was called to obedience, not to figure it all out, not to figure out how to do it. I am called as a baptized Christian to be obedient and faithful to God, but also in my marriage commitment I choose to be obedient and faithful to Justin. I am responsible for "what" I am to do, not the "how". That is God's amazing release for us. He will provide the how.
Thursday night: Kirsten came over with cookies and tea and we watched He's just not into you. It's ok, it had funny parts, it had many parts that really could have been left out, but over all a B chick flick. There were so many different couple scenarios that made me pray, Thank you for my marriage and keep Satan away from my marriage, I love Justin. But, then that made me think that I was thinking pretty high and mighty of our relationship, and of course we have our share of problems, but we have stayed the course and I don't want fleeting thoughts to even creep into our household for our girls. They need the best example we can give them of marriage and men and women. Thank you , Justin, for being a dad and husband that is a good wholesome example.
Friday: I had just read a part of this book online and then MHR had a part of it on her post too. hmmm
Shannon Ethridge says in "Every Woman's Battle," "While avoiding unhealthy emotional connections and relationships is important, it's not enough to guarantee success in keeping our hearts guarded against compromise. The secret to ultimate emotional satisfaction is to pursue a mad, passionate love relationship with the One who made our hearts, the One how purifies our hearts, and the One who strengthens our hearts against worldly temptations. The secret is to focus your heart on your First Love."
Matthew 22:37-38 says "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."
It's funny how God works through so many channels in our lives that all connect.
Justin is gone on this Father's Day weekend for a guys fishing/camping/hanging out trip with 10 college buddies at Lake Whitney. I know they are going to have a wonderful time renewing their friendship and building one another up til next year when they all meet again! I am so glad he is able to spend some guy time with his friends who are scattered throughout TX and NM and that he sets a good example of being a good friend to me and the girls.
I love you , Justin.
Leslie, can you lead me to the MHR site? This is a really good idea. I love the pic of you in the most recent post - you are so pretty! Cool shirt the girls made for Justin.
Hi Lisa
Ok, it's a link now on our page! Enjoy!
Leslie - remind me to chat with you about that quote later - it totally jives (why am I talking like that? ;-) ) with something I want to share :-)
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