Thursday, July 28, 2011

Smelling Memories

I often take a peanut butter sandwich to work with me.
I often have a thermos of coffee at work with me.
I work with a lot of people who smoke.
Locomotives run on diesel.

Maybe random things, but to me they are special.  They make me remember my maternal Granddad, Lowel Wilhoit.
I can remember being a kid and going with my Grandma out to the field where Granddad was working on the tractor that day.  We’d take him a thermos of coffee with peanut butter and crackers for his lunch.  He smoked non-filtered Camels.  I guess the smell of those things all mixed together got locked into my olfactory files.
I was in Portales last week and took this picture of one of those old tractors.  

I’m thankful for my family.  Thankful for memories and lessons learned.  I’m thankful for the job I have, especially those days when peanut butter, hot coffee, cigarettes, and diesel exhaust help me to remember.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Snce blogs don't have a Like button, I have to use a whole sentence to say I LIKE this post.

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