Wednesday, November 16, 2011

At Work Today

Let me start by confessing that I believe that names are important.  I believe they can prophetically speak into a person's future and can connect them to the past.  That's Biblical.  Old and New Testaments. 
Okay, that's all the preaching I'll do for today.  Here's the rest of the story.....

Seatrain Lines was the name of a shipping company most responsible for the introduction of the standard international intermodal container.  One of their containers is pictured below.

In 1980 a pregnant woman in Louisiana saw one of these containers and thought, "Hmm, I'll name my son after that."  After further consideration or maybe she just forgot how it was spelled, she dropped the "i", and on the day her child was born gave him the name Seatran.  With the 1st syllable having a short "e" sound and the 2nd having a short "0" sound with emphasis on the 2nd. (se-tron)

Thirty years later....Seatran has changed the pronunciation back to the original and now calls himself C-Train.  Yes, that's how he spells it now too, C dash Train, and today C-Train was my conductor.   The baby who was named after a shipping container on a passing train is now a railroad conductor. 
Ain't life funny sometimes.


The Northrups said...


Anonymous said...

I could practically hear your voice as I read this post. Greatness.

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