Friday, May 30, 2008

Disgruntled Employee

I try not to be bitter about my job. Even with it's crazy lack of scheduling, working weekends and holidays, and unpredictability, I would rather do what I'm doing than wear a shirt and tie. But I'm bitter today.
Over the last several months the company has brought in a bunch of guys in from California paying them a $30,000 bonus to come work in Temple. Trouble is, most of them have better seniority than I do. Not by much, but it doesn't take much, so my choice of jobs has been greatly reduced. My conductor seniority is worse now than it was 3 years ago. Business has slowed down, so there isn't as much work to go around, and I can't hold an engineer's job right now.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not in danger of unemployment, it is just harder for me to stay on the same job for very long. I've been bumped more times in the last 2 weeks than I was all of last year. The result of all of this is this.....(and this is the part that makes me the most maddest ) I had made plans to go fishing with some guys from chuch tomorrow morning, but I got bumped, had to go to a different job, and now, instead of fishing, I'll be on a train.
Usually, even though I don't know very far in advance whether or not I'll be off, I can take a good guess provided there is no danger of me getting bumped. So, even though I may have to work Christmas day, we could probably plan something for Christmas eve. However, as things are now, I'm in constant danger of being bumped and, since I need to work, having to bump to a different job, things are more unpredictable than ever.
In conclusion, I'm just mad about interupted fishing plans. I'll get over it. Eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah, what a whiner!

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