Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

I'm a noticer. I was looking through some of our recent photos and noticed a lot of things about this one in particular.

What's wrong with this picture......

1. Daddy's tired and needs a vacation.
2. My girls are thumbsuckers when they are tired.
3. We look like zombies staring at a television set.
4. I'm getting balder. Or is it more bald?
5. In 14 years, I may go insane living with that many teenage females.
What's right with this picture.....
1. Daddy has a job to take a vacation from, a couch to sit on, and a home to put it in. And it so happens, that vacation will begin in 4 days.
2. I have three girls who love to sit with their daddy when he gets home from work.
3. I think we were watching the Olympics on TV, a great seed planter. Maybe they'll be inspired to become professional ping-pong players.
4. I don't care about hair loss. I haven't used a comb in years anyway.
5. In 14 years I'll just go fishing a lot.

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