Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Flabbergasted- Money Stuff Part 2

First time I've ever used the word flabbergasted here on TOTP, but I was a few days ago, flabbergasted that is, as I read this article in the newspaper.
Some observations and propositions....
Observation:  It seemed that the assumption of the writer was that divorce is so normal that people should prepare for it throughout their marriage.
Proposition:  If divorce is an option on the table from the day a couple says I do.  It is more likely that someday they will opt for that option.

Observation:  The advice was to put time and effort into preparing your finances while things are stable so that when you eventually split the sheets you will be prepared.
Proposition:  If you put the same time and effort into serving your spouse and communicating together about your finances, perhaps she would still love you when you're 64.  (another t-shirt the song and artist)
Observation:  Ms. Rodgers saved $2000 in her tampon box preparing to leave her husband.
Proposition:  If she had spent half of that money good marriage counseling and the other half paying for a massage, a makeover, and a long weekend vacation seducing her husband perhaps she might still be married. 

Observation:  The article is about getting in shape financially for a divorce.
Proposition:  Divorce is far less likely if you are in shape financially prior to saying "I do" and continue to work on your financial health throughout the marriage.

Disclaimer:  I understand that everyone reading this knows people who have been through a divorce and whose suffering was compounded because they were not financially prepared.  I take issue with and grieve over the state of our culture, where financial problems are the leading cause of divorce and failed marriages are so commonplace that this sort of article has a place in the daily paper.

“For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.'"
 -Jesus the Christ, Gospel of Luke ch. 14

Scott Meyer is in the middle of a series of messages on marriage.  Check them out here


Genice said...

Beatles; Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 64!

LisaN said...

Good thoughts, Justin. Keep 'em coming.

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