Friday, July 30, 2010

Two days of pictures

Joel and Kerri Thompson stopped by Wednesday on their way to Huntsville.  Fried chicken and good times.

Joel and I with our boys.
Kerri, Leslie, and a pile of girls.

Yesterday morning I took the girls hiking at Chalk Ridge Falls below the Stillhouse Hollow dam.
Jonesy is carrying her bug net and bug can, Annie is wearing a necklace with a 4 inch silver scorpion, and Georgia is wearing a 1993 South Plains Fair cap.

Wading in the creek.
Me by the waterfall.
Annie has been having trouble staying in her bed at night.  She needs a drink, wants to watch cartoons, too hot so she takes her jammies off, or too cold and has to put them back on. 
Like Jerry Clower, we believe in giving everyone a sporting chance.  Leslie and I aren't counters, but we do usually give fair warning.  "If you ______ again, then I will ________."  
Last night Annie was up and down several times and lost her bed.  I think the pros call this consequential learning....if you choose not to stay on you bed, then your bed will be taken from you.  Leslie had to take it away from her a few weeks ago and it proved to be pretty effective, but I guess her memory faded while she was out of town.
The bed removed.
I just removed the bed, went back to mine and locked the door behind me to let her deal with her new situation.  Instead of sleeping on the couch, or on the bed in her brother's room, or getting in bed with one of her sisters, Annie chose to lay down as close as she could to where her bed was supposed to be.  This is how I found her this morning. 
Ranger used to like sleeping with Annie, but has figured out that Georgia's bed offers a more restful night.

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