Monday, September 27, 2010


I’ve heard a lot of bad theology at funerals, but it’s not polite to squabble with someone whose loved one has died.  The afterlife is one of Hollywood’s favorite topics, and while many Christians are well versed in scriptures supporting their views on many social and moral issues, they often get their ideas about heaven from television and movies.

Scott Meyer is in the middle of a series on heaven.  Heavy in scripture, light on opinion.  He's not skirting around the topic like so many preachers do and not just making up stuff that sounds comforting like many lay folks, but he’s answering a lot of questions and dispelling many myths.  He has the humility to say, “I don’t know” when he doesn’t, and the cojones to point out “thus saith the Lord” where the scriptures are very clear.
If you are interested in the topic and would like to follow along in this series you can download mp3s or watch video at

Heaven: What's Next? from Western Hills on Vimeo.

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