Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Regarding my last post:  If you were a head scratcher and not an amener, listen to what a real-life professional preacher had to say last Sunday.   Scott Meyer hit this one out of the park...
In other news, Granola is flying in today for a week long visit. Prayers for the preservation of her sanity as she enters our insane world would be appreciated.
West fell out of the boat yesterday. Head first. His feet were hung up on the edge so that just his head and shoulders were in the water. I was right there and lifted him out by his ankles. The was no danger, just a lesson to be learned. Glad he learned it now. Annie didn't learn it until she was 3.
Vacation starts in a month. Planning trips to San Angelo and to Port Aransas.
Blacker Sparkle, our Heelador puppy, will be joining our household in a couple of weeks.

It's been almost a year since I featured a song of the week, but I wanted to share this one with you.  I heard it for the first time yesterday and can't get it out of my head.

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