Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Children Are My Delight

Went hiking with Jonesy and West yesterday.  Did a little bit of fishing, but didn't catch anything. 
On our way back to the truck I said to Jones, "Too bad we didn't catch anything, but it's a good day for hiking."
"Yeah, I don't really care what we do or if we catch anything.  I just like being with my daddy."
Her words made my heart swell with gladness.

I rarely fish, go grocery shopping, or run errands anymore without having at least one of my children with me. (Yes, I know that Leslie does almost everything with at least two in tow, and I admire her steadfastness and sanity.)  They are my delight.  I love coming home from work to a Georgia hug, West's broken record Dadda, Dadda, Dadda, and Annie's giggling smile.
Things aren't perfect in our home.  We struggle daily through teaching obedience and manners and settling sibling squabbles.  But they are growing and maturing and Leslie and I are growing and maturing with them.


LisaN said...

Amen and amen. We are right there with you and understanding every day more and more why the Bible calls children a reward.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're a great dad! It's evident, even for those of us who don't get to "see" you often, that your kids are your delight!

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