Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What it is 2009 (like JJ Evans would say it)

*As we begin 2009, we only have 1 kid in diapers. Hallelujah and Amen.
*Annie's record is 4 steps.
*Annie can get up into the fireplace like her sisters before her. Note to CPS: Our fireplace has never been used.
*We got to spend 5 days at with my parents in San Angelo. John and Sheila got to come down and my grandparents came for a day too. Good times.
*Ryan and Kimber spent New Year's Eve with us. Ryan did a great job reading Skippyjon Jones, and they witnessed Jonesy and Georgia playing Duck, Duck, Goose with only 2 people.
*Railroad business has really slowed with the downturn in the economy. I can't touch an engineer job right now, but am still able to hold as a conductor. I may be a switchman again soon. There's a lot of shuffling and bumping going on across the country right now. I'm thankful to be able to hold a job here at home for now.
*We've settled in with a new church family at Western Hills Chuch of Christ in Temple. It's been fun getting to know everyone and seeing the girls make new friends.

1 comment:

Valisa said...

OK, I'm a little clueless in this area; but I'm trying to get a blogspot of my own started and I tried for about an hour to get a slide show of MY pictures to play on the page, and every time it would link and play pics of other online random photos. How did you get your pics to link to your page for the slideshow? (I'm sure it's easy, I just couldn't figure it out!)

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