Thursday, May 20, 2010

Current Pace of Life

In case WH decides to come early, I’ve bumped to a job in the switch yard that allows me to stay in town. Fortunately, I’m able to hold an engineer spot which means more air conditioning, easier work, and more money than when I was a switchman a few months ago and was worried about being furloughed.

It’s been nice having a regular schedule. I leave for work at 2:00 in the afternoon and get home sometime between midnight and 3:00 am. I try to get up with the girls and let Leslie take her time getting around, take care of things around the house, and fix lunch. After lunch I get to snuggle with the girls on the couch and watch Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith, or Flipper before leaving for work. Hopefully, I’ll be able to stay on this job for another 10 days, then I have a week of vacation scheduled for May 31-June 6. We're shooting for a June 2nd 6:00am induction and 9:00am delivery.

I’m off to work right now. I’ll try to get the song of the week posted when I get in from work.

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