Thursday, August 5, 2010

Song of the Week

I saw that they've come out with a new Karate Kid movie.  I hope it's not as awful as the previews indicated.

The original Karate Kid was great.  Karate Kid II was even better.  I was 10 years old and those movies made me a martial arts expert.  I still practice some of the moves I learned from Mr. Miyagi, Danielsan, and the Cobra Kai.  When I really want to disable my opponent I  just sweep the leg. 

This week's song is Peter Cetera's "Glory of Love" from Karate Kid II.  Enjoy the flashback to '86.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

I love Peter Cetera! And I just can't bring myself to watch the new Karate Kid. I'm sorry, but no one can re make what Pat and Ralph did. It's a classic and one of my favorites!

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