Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekend at the Butler's

The girls and I went to Brant and Alison's house Friday and Saturday. Friday, we had a belated birthday for all four girls. And Saturday was Claire's late 3rd birthday party. The girls had fun and the twins are adorable and definitely not preemie anymore! I can't believe I didn't get any pics of the twins, but with 6 kiddos and two adults, we were pretty busy. Alison and Brant had rented two ponies for Claire's My Little Pony party. Claire, Jones, Georgia and Ty had fun taking turns and enjoyed riding the horses. Annie would reach out to touch the ponies but she had a death grip on me when I tried to sit her on the saddle. Claire had a pair of boots that were too big and she let Jones borrow them, so all three were decked out in boots and jeans! Thanks to Alison for the stay, food, party and your friendship! See you again soon Butlers

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